We’ve Closed FHA Loans in 15 Days
Find out how we take action…
Our methodology is simple: we don’t make promises we can’t keep. We provide excellent communication, high-quality service, and impeccable follow through with every client. And we do all of this while still keeping our rates competitive.
HomePlus Mortgage focuses on quality…never quantity. As a direct lender, we service every step of the loan process in house — from origination, to underwriting, to closing, to property appraisals, and more. This gives us the ability to stay on top of your application and allows for excellent communication with you throughout each step of the loan process. An answer to your question is only a few short steps down the hall!
With other lenders, your application may take a trip around the nation – going to the processing department, then across the country to the underwriter, and then making its way across town to the appraiser…and then finally back to your loan officer — only to find that it wasn’t approved due to something that wasn’t properly addressed in the application from the start.
Our Approach
We take time to answer your questions and get to personally know you, your situation, and your needs. Since 1992, we’ve relied heavily on honesty, ethics, and excellent communication throughout the loan process to build successful and lasting relationships. Our clients and word-of-mouth referrals are the #1 measure of our success.
Many clients come to us when others have failed to approve their loan. They feel as if all hope may be lost. We work hard to find the best solution for you and, more often than not, are able to close your loan. Our team of loan officers are efficient problem-solvers. When you mix our large number of resources — with our ability to go the extra mile and ask the right questions — you get a company that’s dedicated to swiftly and efficiently closing your loan. You get high-quality service in a respectable and friendly manner…that’s our promise to you.
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